Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All Three :)

I’m happy to report that I’m…well, happy! :) Practically giddy.:) Look at me; I’m affixing smiley faces all over this blog post.
During the final days of my mental slump last weekend, my mom astutely noted, “You’re not motivated because you’re not happy; but everything will start coming together this week.” Most people hate to admit when their mother is correct, but I’m not one of those people (because my mom usually is correct, and in this instance she was dead on).
Summer classes finished, with honorable grades? Check.
Exciting new (and final!) semester about to start? Check.
Best friend in the whole world back from a 7-week trip that took her around the world? Check.
Moving in with said best friend for remainder of summer? Double check.
A handsome, wonderful boyfriend in the process of a monstrous, long-haul drive back to Salt Lake (and more importantly, to me)? Check!!!!!!!!!
Allan Chalmers said, "The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
And I've got all three.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I think I am experiencing teenage angst late in life. At our family party last night, I’m fairly certain that my relatives were afraid to get near me. My brave cousin Kris ventured over to where I was and cheerfully informed me that my feelings of rage/wrath/ire against the world were blatantly clear based on my facial expression.
Typically, I have a sunny disposition. This ‘seething thunder’ temperament is new for me, and has been going on for a couple weeks now. I don’t know who or what rained on my parade to set it off, but I’m hoping for the calm in the storm to come in the next few weeks. I just have to try to get through this squall and wait for the rainbow that comes after it.